A trademark is a category of distinctive sign that identifies the products or services of a company or businessman. This must be registered in the corresponding national or international registers and can only be used by the holder who has registered it.
These symbols are often referred to as “trademarks”, and are abbreviated as ™, M.R. or ®, although this is not indicative of registration with the competent authority.
The registration of a trademark in the registry is a necessary condition to accredit its ownership to whoever uses it and so that its owner can oppose the granting of trademarks incompatible with it to other people.
The symbol of a registered trademark can be a word or phrase, an image or a design, and its use to identify a product or service is only allowed to the natural or legal person who has registered said trademark or the that it is duly authorized by the person who registered it.
Specialized trademark history search service with legal opinion on the registrability of the trademark.
- Presentation and accompaniment in the process of trademark registrations, response to official actions.
- Constant surveillance in the Industrial Property Gazettes of the brands of our clients and third-party competitors.
- Presentation of defenses and oppositions against third-party brands that may affect the rights of our clients.
- Presentation of all kinds of legal resources.
- Presentation of transfer registrations, name changes, address changes, address changes and renewals within trademark applications and registrations.
- Advice and presentation of trademark use licenses.
- Presentation and accompaniment in disputes before the contentious-administrative courts related to registration procedures.
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